'Senior Fitness Retreat | Debra Stefan Fitness Weight Loss Camps| Live-in or Zoom'

'Senior Fitness Retreat | Debra Stefan Fitness Weight Loss Camps| Live-in or Zoom'

'Senior Fitness Retreat Camp- Debra has a wonderful senior fitness camp that allowed me to get my life back together, to eat correctly, to get active, to learn how to push myself. Hi, I\'m Suzanne. I come from Kansas and I\'ve had some major life-changing experiences in the last couple of years that have put me in a real bad state of mind, where I have used food and lack of exercise to cope with all of this. It has been wonderful to come here.  Senior Fitness Coach- And she knows when to let up when I need to. And when to push me a little bit, when I need to. It has been a wonderful experience. I have become strong, stronger than I ever believed I could be. I have done things that I haven\'t done since I\'ve been in high school. I have learned to eat. We\'ve cooked. I\'ve learned different dishes that I can actually eat and completely be happy with what I\'m eating. And my attitude has changed. I\'ve been taken off a couple of my meds. I have been just changed completely, and I just can\'t believe the transformation in me in the last month. It\'s only been a month- four weeks.  Senior Depression- I just wanna say that I was at the point when I came here that I could care less whether I lived or died. I was so low and so down on myself and so at a bad place in my life, I am so glad that I came here because now I have a reason to live. I can do anything. I can go anywhere. I feel like a new person because I\'m okay now. And it\'s probably the best thing that\'s ever happened to me.  It has been a wonderful experience. It has been a life-changing experience.  Live-in Fitness Program for Seniors I\'ve only been here for a month, but the changes in me, spiritual, mental body, everything as a whole package, I couldn\'t say enough. I would totally recommend Debra and her live-in fitness program.  I\'m Debra Stefan. At my live-in fitness residence, you\'ll learn how easy it is to eat and live your best lifestyle. Since 2008, I\'ve opened my home to a few guests at a time. Will you be among the next?   Can\'t get away? Schedule to see me on Zoom! https://calendly.com/debra-stefan  For more inspiring weight loss videos, you can Click here to subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/c/vegasfitness1?sub_confirmation=1  http://www.DebraStefan.com   Follow Debra on Facebook, too. https://www.facebook.com/LiveInWeightLoss' 

See also: To , gyms , len , women s fitness , new , kilo vermek , beslenme , female motivation , fit � , low impact workout

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